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Kansas Shorthorn Association

Kansas Shorthorn Breeders rank 4th in the nation for registered animals. We are proud to offer diverse options, yet true to the Shorthorn's breed traits of excellence in docility, maternal traits as well as production quality.

For Sale

Shorthorn Heifer 4305968.jpg

View sale listings from KSA Members. 

Find a Breeder

There are Kansas Shorthorn Association members across the state to help you find the animal you are looking for. Find one here

2024 Events

March 15 Spring Sale Listings Due

May 5: KJSA Field Day in Canton, KS

July 18-20: ASA Symposium

Sept 6-15: Kansas State Fair

Sept 15: Fall Sale Listings Due

Sept 27-29: KJLS Shorthorn Futurity

Plan Spring & Fall Sale Entries Now

KSA hosts annual listings by members each fall and spring. Entries are due March 15th and September 15th of each year to be listed and promoted to our network. 

Being a Member Pays!


Submit your $25 annual membership dues to:
Kansas Shorthorn Assn to receive free advertising and more benefits.
c/o Kevin Gibler, 569 E 1550 Rd, Baldwin City, KS 66006, with form or online here.


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